David Kinnear

David Kinnear

Commercial and International

020 4534 7396


David is a private client barrister and international commercial counsel. He brings 30+ years of business, legal and strategic experience to the table for his clients. His exposure to both UK, US and SEA business and legal sectors - and the distinctive cultural aspects of each - is especially helpful for clients contemplating cross-border transactions.

Routinely called on to advise on the terms of commercial transactions and agreements, David is an experienced litigator. He represents clients in court proceedings, arbitration hearings, mediations and before government regulatory bodies. He is an Accredited Civil & Commercial Mediator.

In addition, David is a LegalTech founder & Investor, Non-Exec. (NED) / Advisory Board member and the Publisher of High Performance Counsel ("HPC"). He co-founded CLiXLEX (now KIM Technologies), a legal technology company focused on legal process automation, which was successfully acquired by a leading legal services provider.

David spent his early years in private litigation practice, largely focused on substantial construction, engineering and commercial real estate disputes. He worked for leading law firms Pinsent Masons and Linklaters in London before moving to New York to join Credit Suisse. As Counsel and Chief Administrative Officer, he helped negotiate & execute the relocation of Credit Suisse into its (now) NYC global HQ, the iconic Eleven Madison Avenue.

David has directed major global outsourcing, shared sourcing, HR operations & process efficiency initiatives, including the digitization of records and the global roll-out of PeopleSoft HRMS & Y2K Compliance. He has worked extensively in the UK, US, Philippines, India and China markets in the areas of data management, HR and BPO - and most recently LPO, LegalOps.